Thursday, April 14, 2011

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 10. Here are the facts...low carb diets work the best and are safe! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 10. Here are the facts...low carb diets work the best and are safe! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

Day 10 218.6

I am on track for my 28 day goal of losing 16 pounds. How are you doing? I spoke to a patient today, weighing in at 310 before the program, he has already lost 16 pounds in 7 days. He feels great. Using HCG, this Palm Beach patient says he no longer feels the dragging feeling he would experience on the Atkins diet. Instead he is energized, and is experiencing no hunger pangs, and no sugar cravings. He is confident he can maintain his 20 grams of carbohydrate a day goal for 28 days, and maybe even longer. I personally like to take a "break" from the HCG, maintaining a lower carbohydrate approach after the 28 days, and then two weeks later go back onto another 28 day course of HCG. This approach will help your body remain fresh and ready to continue burning away those unwanted fats.
Many people have questioned the use of the Low carbohydrate approach. I know it is the only approach that works for me. As a cardiac surgeon, I am focused on reducing the causes of heart disease. The causes are inflammation, and the low fat diet or better known to me as the HIGH SUGAR DIET will ignite inflammation in your body accelerating heart disease and cancers. So enough about what I think. What do the big boys at Harvard, Duke and Stanford say??
Stanford University Medical School compared four weight-loss diets. People assigned to follow the Atkins diet, which had the lowest carbohydrate intake, lost more than twice the weight and experienced favorable overall metabolic effects at 12 months than those assigned to follow the Zone, Ornish, or LEARN diets.

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Washington University School of Medicine randomly assigned participants to either a low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat diet or a low-calorie, high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. The low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss and improvement in risk factors for coronary heart disease.

University of Cincinnati instructed obese women to follow either a low fat, calorie restricted diet or a low carbohydrate diet for six months. The women lost significantly more weight and body fat on the low carbohydrate diet than women instructed on the low fat diet at three and six months. Additionally, blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and insulin improved.

A study out of the University of Pennsylvania, compared the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet and a low fat diet on lipoprotein subfractions and inflammation on severely obese subjects. The severely obese individuals, who followed a low-carbohydrate diet had beneficial effects on insulin resistance, blood lipids and markers of inflammation.

The objective of this meta-analysis was to look at the evidence related to the association of dietary saturated fat with risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease. This meta-analysis (review of multiple studies) showed that there is NO significant evidence supporting that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of either coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease. Fats do not cause heart disease, it is the high carbohydrates and sugars that cause heart disease.
Harvard University examined a 12 week low fat diet against two different low carbohydrate diets, one allowing 300 more calories a day (eat all you want, just don't eat that is my kind of diet). The people who ate the higher calories with the very low carbohydrate diet were able to lose more weight compared to the lower calorie, low fat diet. And the low carbohydrate diet actually improved several risk factors for heart disease.

A Duke University study determined that a six month very low carbohydrate diet program markedly reduced body weight and improved numerous metabolic factors.
Alright, so if studies from Top University Hospital centers like Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Cincinnati, and University of Pennsylvania say that a low carb diet works better for weight loss and improvement in factors affected heart disease, than the low fat diet, then isn’t it about time to throw the low fat diet in the garbage and change to a low carbohydrate lifestyle? It is safe, effective and the best tolerated, so no time is better than the present to begin the Low carbohydrate approach to weight loss and add HCG in the Sarasota Diet to maximize your results and achieve massive weight loss. Dr C



HCG Q & A:

What is HCG?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone is a substance that occurs naturally in pregnant women. The HCG has the effect of releasing abnormal stored fat primarily from the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, while preserving structural fat as in the face and skin.

Can it be harmful?

No. During pregnancy it is produced daily in a quantity hundreds of thousands of times the amount used for the treatment of obesity, yet it harms neither the mother, nor the child.

How does HCG work?

When Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is used alone, injections of the HCG are provided seven days a week in combination with low carbohydrate or low calorie diet. Recently there is a Oral disintegrating HCG preparation that may provide an option for those not wanting to do injections. However I feel the injection approach achieves far superior results.

Can both men and women take HCG?

Yes. It has been used with equally good results in both.

How does the HCG diet work?

During pregnancy, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is believed to help insure that the fetus will have access to its mother’s stored fat supply, regardless of the amount of food she ingests. After birth, the HCG ensures the newborn will receive nutrition for the first 72 hours if not getting proper nutrition. In overweight people, HCG seems to work by the same method - namely making available permanently stored supplies of fat, as well as making it possible to adhere to the low calorie diet.

Will it affect my appearance?

Because Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does protect the structural fat, wrinkles, if any, will be dramatically reduced. The treatment does not deplete the subcutaneous or other essential fat; therefore the face retains its freshness and natural appearance. Double chins, protruding stomachs and fat around the thighs should be the first to go. Stretching of the skin generally causes stretch marks. This can occur with weight gain, not weight loss.

Has this method been used before?

Yes. When first reported in the Medical Journal Lancet in November of 1954, it had been used in thousands of cases. Since then it has been used in many more.

What will I feel after the injections?

Usually a loss of appetite occurs and patients notice that the severe compulsive hunger disappears completely.

How long can I take the HCG?

Approaches involve programs going from 21 days to 42 days but after 40 injections, the effectiveness diminishes due to the body's ability to develop temporary immunity to the HCG. However, if necessary, subsequent courses of injections can be resumed after a Metabolic Recovery (Phase II). In some instances, 4 or more courses have been given with continued effectiveness if the Metabolic Recovery (Phase II) interval has been allowed between them.

Will I gain back the weight when I stop the HCG?

Some degree of moderation in eating will be necessary because of the tendency to gain weight after ANY type of weight loss program. However, a stabilizing program that includes counseling on lifestyle should be a part of any Weight Loss program. Stability of the normal weight is relatively easy because the weight loss has been from storage fat and not from structural fat.

What happens if an injection is missed?

This merely delays the total effectiveness of the program.

Besides fat loss, are there any other actions or side effects?

Yes, there seems to be some stimulation to the generative system. Premenstrual difficulties may be relieved. Abnormal loss of head hair in obese individuals may cease. Brittle fingernails may become normal and professional singers may note an improvement in their voices. Blood pressure tends to normalize, cholesterol readings become normal, and arthritis symptoms are lessened. No adverse reactions to the injections have been experienced.

Is HCG approved by the FDA?

HCG is approved by the FDA for various medical conditions. However, it has not been specifically determined by the FDA to be effective for weight loss. That being said, several studies have been done with conclusions of its positive effects for weight loss. One study in 1954 that was published in The Lancet, was done by world renowned A. T. W. Simeons, M.D. This data is part of the basis of the Advanced HCG Weight Loss program. Another study presented by Dr. Daniel Belluscio, also concluded HCG was effective for weight loss under specific conditions.

*The Food and Drug Administration Has Labeled HCG as Not Being Effective in the Treatment of Obesity.



I know there has been a lot of discussion about the HCG diet. I have found that using HCG, in conjunction with a very low calorie diet, some describe as low as 500 kcal, that effective weight loss is achieved. Of course 500 kcal sounds impossible, and is essentially a form of starvation, but using the HCG protocol, this low calorie approach is actually tolerable. I however find this approach , with a low calorie diet, to be very difficult for men. However, the Atkins diet, based on a low carbohydrate approach, is well tolerated, and many men do well on this diet versus the “controlled” starvation of a 500 kcal diet.

For men who can’t tolerate and need more than 500 kcal diet( definitely me!), I have developed the “Sarasota Diet”, which incorporates the use of HCG , making a 20 gram carbohydrate diet extending over a 28 day period feasible. So how does HCG really work? I would like to document my experience with this approach over the next 28 days, documenting my chosen food selections (low carbohydrate) as well as my dosing schedule for injectable HCG. Feel free to follow my approach, and to even make your suggestions to help me achieve my goals. I am 226 lbs, 54 years old and have never seen below 210 since I was 40. I want to get to 210…and maybe to 200. I have run numerous marathons, and completed 3 ironman’s, but still haven’t reached my goal. I have had success with Atkins, but after a week or two, begin to struggle with carbohydrate cravings. So my approach is to add HCG to the Atkins low carbohydrate approach, and to melt the fat away. So let’s get going!

But first let me explain a little more about the HCG diet. HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin has been used since the early fifties to help people lose weight. HCG when used by itself, does not cause weight loss. It is the low calorie diet (or low carbohydrate diet), in conjunction with the HCG that provides an accelerated fat loss. HCG is a naturally occurring substance in the human body produced by the placenta during pregnancy in very high amounts. The reason for this high production of HCG was poorly understood until Dr. A.T.W. Simeon, a British physician, studied its effects and developed a program of weight reduction. Those who have taken HCG while dieting report that it is much easier for them to stay on the diet and they seem to lose inches rapidly from the primary fat stores, in particular, the belly, buttocks, and thighs. There have been no reported adverse side effects to this substance. Unfortunately there has been no clearly defined scientific or clinical explanation, however it appears to work at the level of the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, to suppress your appetite, and thus allow one to tolerate a low calorie or my approach, a low carbohydrate diet.