Thursday, April 14, 2011



I know there has been a lot of discussion about the HCG diet. I have found that using HCG, in conjunction with a very low calorie diet, some describe as low as 500 kcal, that effective weight loss is achieved. Of course 500 kcal sounds impossible, and is essentially a form of starvation, but using the HCG protocol, this low calorie approach is actually tolerable. I however find this approach , with a low calorie diet, to be very difficult for men. However, the Atkins diet, based on a low carbohydrate approach, is well tolerated, and many men do well on this diet versus the “controlled” starvation of a 500 kcal diet.

For men who can’t tolerate and need more than 500 kcal diet( definitely me!), I have developed the “Sarasota Diet”, which incorporates the use of HCG , making a 20 gram carbohydrate diet extending over a 28 day period feasible. So how does HCG really work? I would like to document my experience with this approach over the next 28 days, documenting my chosen food selections (low carbohydrate) as well as my dosing schedule for injectable HCG. Feel free to follow my approach, and to even make your suggestions to help me achieve my goals. I am 226 lbs, 54 years old and have never seen below 210 since I was 40. I want to get to 210…and maybe to 200. I have run numerous marathons, and completed 3 ironman’s, but still haven’t reached my goal. I have had success with Atkins, but after a week or two, begin to struggle with carbohydrate cravings. So my approach is to add HCG to the Atkins low carbohydrate approach, and to melt the fat away. So let’s get going!

But first let me explain a little more about the HCG diet. HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin has been used since the early fifties to help people lose weight. HCG when used by itself, does not cause weight loss. It is the low calorie diet (or low carbohydrate diet), in conjunction with the HCG that provides an accelerated fat loss. HCG is a naturally occurring substance in the human body produced by the placenta during pregnancy in very high amounts. The reason for this high production of HCG was poorly understood until Dr. A.T.W. Simeon, a British physician, studied its effects and developed a program of weight reduction. Those who have taken HCG while dieting report that it is much easier for them to stay on the diet and they seem to lose inches rapidly from the primary fat stores, in particular, the belly, buttocks, and thighs. There have been no reported adverse side effects to this substance. Unfortunately there has been no clearly defined scientific or clinical explanation, however it appears to work at the level of the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, to suppress your appetite, and thus allow one to tolerate a low calorie or my approach, a low carbohydrate diet.

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